Re: g_thread_init() and gtk_init() segmentation faults

On Fri, 25 Apr 2003 10:06:34 +0300
Olexiy Avramchenko <olexiy irtech cn ua> wrote:

You have to use gdk_threads_init() call before gtk_init, but I can't 
imagine how this can segfault your app in single thread inside gtk_init...
If you post me the code example I'll try to check this...

Well, i've been playing around, and I've narrowed the problem down a bit. It seems as though the problem is 
with a totally different part of the program. If I compile main.c (, by itself 
(with lines referencing the functions in other files commented out), it works fine. I kept linking more files 
until ... wow, it didn't work. I'm really not sure why this happens btw (if someone could clarify that, 
considering the code in the other files hasn't even been run yet). Here's the file:

Yes there are alot of parts commented out -- I've been playing around a bit, and don't want to remove code 
that somewhat worked before until I get new code working. (Habit). The entire project is at, and cvs is up to date (note -- if you care to take a look at 
that, the config files for autotools are not correct. just cd to src/ dir and run "gcc -o baverburner *.c 
`pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0 gthread-2.0` -I ../include -lvorbisfile -lvorbis".

I've been commenting out differnet parts (it's back to normal for that link though), but havn't figured out 
what's wrong (that's what I normally do to find out what's wrong if gdb is no help).


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