Re: C interpreter for GTK+

Our company has been distributing C interpreter (called Ch)
and support GTK+ 1.2 for a while.

I am checking if there is an interest for GTK+ developers
to run C interpreter for their GTK+ applications. Ch for
GTK+ is similar to perl/python binding to GTK+. The advantage
for Ch GTK+ is that you can write GTK+ application once and run
everywhere without linking or compilation in every platform.

Hm... And we how are runing FreeBSD should we run it under
Linux emulation or will you provide a native port?

A FreeBSD version for Ch (C/C++ interpreter) will be developed soon.
However, I am not sure if the Ch binding to GTK+ will be developed
any more.

Seems to our management that GTK+ developers and users lacks interest 
for our binding to GTK+. That is why I am sending this email to the list
to find it out.

Thanks for your response,

Peter Wu
Ch: a cross platform C/C++ interpreter for shell programming, scripting,
    2D/3D plotting, numerical computing and embedded scriptiing.

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