Re: Writing Gnome2 applets

James Kahn wrote:

I hope I've got the right list for some help here - please refer me to
the correct one if I'm wrong.

I'm mostly pretty new to this gtk and gnome thing, but I learn things
pretty quickly.  I'm trying to write a Gnome2 applet but it all seems
completely different from the way that I read about for Gnome 1 here -

I've downloaded the source for gnome-applets, but I'm confused as to how
they are loaded.
They are loaded by calling a macro which acts as main(argc,argv) and also calls gnome-init.
You can see an example of this here:

The macro called is:




To see how this works, it is defined in /usr/include/panel-2.0/panel-applet.h

If I type /usr/lib/gnome-applets/geyes_applet2 in a
terminal, it fails to load, but it works fine by right clicking on the
panel so obviously it's not loaded in a "conventional" sense.

Are there any documents available that teach you what you need to know
to build a gnome2 applet?  Or can someone write one if not? ;)  Any help
appreciated here.
The documentation is INCREDIBLY poor. As far as I know the only documentation is the code itself for the new gnome2 applets. The only other documentation is for gnome1 which is completely useless and unrelated.


I tried to get applets to work from my application WITHOUT using the macro which acts as a main(argc,argv) entry point for you application so that I could simply add an icon into the panel. I was unsuccessfull and because the documentation is poor I didnt continue it. If anyone manages to do this, post it here and/or let me know.



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