Re: Creating images on a canvas in 1.2.10

Collin> I'm very new to Gtk and am using the 1.2.10 Gtk libraries to
Collin> try to put an image on a canvas.     ^^^^^^^^^^ 

Collin> Searching through the canvas, pixbuf, libart and ImLib docs
Collin> doesn't seem to do much other than explain what they are an
Collin> what they do or refer one to Gnome 2.0 GdkPixbuf
Collin> documentation.  No actual examples where I can see it being
Collin> done.  And any documentation I can find on the Gnome site
Collin> which actually has an example is all for Gnome 2.0
Ayose> Have you tried with GnomeCanvasImage?

Have you actually read the OP's message?

Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
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