Re: Continue flame about WEIRD gtk2 design.

Thomas Cameron wrote:


As a new developer in the GTK community, I respect your opinions.
Please excuse any ignorance on my part, as I may not know all of the
"ins" and "outs" of GTK development.

I have recently started a project, using GTK+-2.0.x for the GUI API.  I
have been satisfied thus far with it, versus most of the other GUI APIs
for Linux/Unix environments.  It is simple, intuitive, and nearly
complete.  Almost every feature I have wanted has been in the library!
However, I can see your point about nonoptimal solutions to certain

I'm writing using GTK about three years...

My suggestion would be this.  If you are concerned about the way Trees
and Clists are handled, why not create a widget of your own?  You can
even use the source FROM the existing Clist and Tree functions, and
simply improve upon it.  Then, resubmit it to the developers for
inclusion in the project.  This to me would be the best solution to your
problem.  You could make use op doubly-linked lists, more logical
structures, and an optimised "selection" system.  This is especially
true if you need the ability to use LARGE lists of items (100,000 or

Why this widgets are not included by default? Why every time I need to hack gtk code to rewrite widgeds for my needs? May be better in this case to write my own libraries :-) ? Also I think that gtk+/glib developers can write widgets better than me due real undestanding
internals of both libraries.
I do not like to use glib by myself due nonoptimal solutions for misc structures (e.g. lists).

Good luck!
Tom Cameron

P.S. But in any case I think that GTK2 is GREAT STEP FORWARD comparing with GTK1.2.x.

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