Creating a container??

Hi All =)

I'm sure this question has been asked before but I don't really know what to search for to find anything helpful, so I'm asking myself:

Given I have a shared library with the ability to put stuff in a GtkContainer which is created by the application and passed to a function within the shared library. Now, I'm writing the application and there is no problem as long as I'm dealing with GtkWindows, which I use as parameter for the share library. But now I'm trying to make (e.g.) two (or more) of those Containers in one Window. What am I to do now?? I create a VBox. And after that?? I need a Container but there seemed to be no way to create a simple container. Can anyone help me by pointing me to the right Widget?? (using +-2.0.6)

Thanx in advance ... Hagen!

PS: As a former M$Windows programmer I have to say: Gtk rocks!!!

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