Re: How to filter a treeview?

On Thu, 2002-10-24 at 13:11, Peeter Vois wrote:

I have to explore the same problem. Right now I know that all(?) renderers
have an attribute "visible". If this is not set the cell will not be drawn
on screen. I have to figure out the answer to following question: What
happens when "visible" is FALSE for all cells in row? Does this row
disappear or does there be an empty space as high as a row?

No it doesn't, I tried this and it doesn't hide the row, and yes I think
that there should be a function to hide a row.

How to use the visible attribute: you can make a column into model with
boolean type of data and then assign renterer's "visible" attribute to
that column. Now, if you want to hide the cell then turn this flag off on
the row using gtk_tree/list_store_set.

I do not know if there is another way. I would like to keep this info
separated from model.

Removing rows from tree model is very bad idea for this purpose, because
there can be 2 or more treeviews displaying same model. One view might
want to display one set of rows and another might want to show another set
of rows.

Best Regards ...

      Peeter Vois
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