Re: Question on 'scribble' - configure_event

Bryan Brown wrote:

Scribble has an event handler called 'configure_event', which is supposed
to be activated when the drawing window is resized.  The tutorial says
that it will automatically be invoked at program startup and upon window
resize, but it's not being invoked when I build it using gtk 1.2.

I presume I need to add the appropriate event mask(s) to the drawing area
widget, but which one(s) should I add?  The list of event masks that I
could find doesn't seem to include one for window resizing or the like,
and none of the ones I've tested result in the configure_event code being

Hello, Bryan

Tutorial says right, "configure_event" is called after drawing area realized (typically only once) and size of drawing area changed (one time when you're resizing windows in box-like style and many times per opaque resize). Try to add a simple 'printf' to the
scribble-simple configure handler.
You need not to set any flag or event mask for this.


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