Preventing sorting in a GtkTreeView/GtkListStore

I have the following problem:
I construct a GtkTreeView with a GtkListStore as model
All the column of GtkListStore are G_STRING
I add as many GtkTreeViewColumn as the column in the GtkListStore,
so that any GtkTreeViewColumn is in a one-to-one corresponce with the
related column in the model.
Each GtkTreeViewColumn has its sort_id setted to the corrensponding col in the model.

At some time in the application I want to add a large number of rows to GtkTreeeView/GtkListStore
without having them automatically sorted.

When I start the application I can add rows without sort, but, as soon as I click
on a column header, I cannot find a way to revert to the unsorted behaviour

I tried to set the default sort func to NULL but it does not seem to work

Can you help me?

Thank you


Gian Luigi

 Gian Luigi Gragnani               DIBE -  University of Genoa
 Via Opera Pia 11A             16145 Genova              Italy
 Tel.   + 39 010 353 2244             Fax    + 39 010 353 2245
 mailto:gragnani dibe unige it

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