RE: Finding which row is selected in a CList

The two most common ways of doing it are:

1, (Jean-Christophe Berthon's Code submitted earlier this week)

 gint SelectedRowRank;

 for (i = 0; i < g_list_length((GTK_CLIST(myCList))->selection); i++)
  /* This is to get the row rank (or index) in the Clist */
  SelectedRowRank =
GPOINTER_TO_INT(g_list_nth_data((GTK_CLIST(myCList))->selection, i));

  /* Now you can use it to access the text field, or whatever you'd like */
  gtk_clist_get_text(GTK_CLIST(myCList), SelectedRowRank, Column,
  g_print("Field = %s", pcTextField);


2, (the way I sometimes do it)

  gint index = -1;
  gint count = GTK_CLIST(myclist)->rows;
  GList *list = NULL;
      list = g_list_nth(GTK_CLIST(myclist)->row_list, index);
      if(GTK_CLIST_ROW(list)->state == GTK_STATE_SELECTED)



-----Original Message-----
From: Jayson Hay [mailto:ridefast ozemail com au]
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 8:25 AM
To: gtk-app-devel-list gnome org
Subject: Finding which row is selected in a CList

Hi All,

I have a button that, when clicked should get a number from a cell in
the selected row of a clist. I have passed the clist to the function as
user_data and I am using the following to get the text I need:

        gtk_clist_get_text (user_data, NULL, 0, &message);

What I want to do is change NULL to the number of the currently selected
row in the clist. Is there a way to do this? I have the gtk docs and
cant find what I'm looking for there.


ii swear I never use vi^[:wq
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