Re: manipulating scrollbars with gtkbutton

What i need to do is a little more complicated... My buttons need to behave
the same way the arrows on scrollbars do (keep scrolling while pressed).
For now i have coded timer tricks, but i am not really happy with that.

#define SCROLL_INITIAL_DELAY 250  /* must hold button this long before ...
#define SCROLL_LATER_DELAY   100  /* ... it starts repeating at this rate 

static gint scroll_down_timeout(gpointer user_data) {
  struct ihm_Window* window = (struct ihm_Window*)user_data;
  GtkAdjustment* adj =  GTK_TEXT(window->text[0])->vadj;
  if (adj->value - adj->step_increment >= adj->lower)
   gtk_adjustment_set_value(adj, adj->value - adj->step_increment);
 return adj->value != adj->lower;

static gint scroll_down_initial_timeout(gpointer user_data) {
  struct ihm_Window* window = (struct ihm_Window*)user_data;
  window->scrolling_timer_id = gtk_timeout_add(SCROLL_LATER_DELAY,
scroll_down_timeout, window);
  return FALSE;

on_scroll_down_pressed(GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data) {
  struct ihm_Window* window = (struct ihm_Window*)user_data;
  window->scrolling_timer_id = gtk_timeout_add(SCROLL_INITIAL_DELAY,
scroll_down_initial_timeout, window);

void on_scroll_down_released(GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data) {
  struct ihm_Window* window = (struct ihm_Window*)user_data;

I need to command a gtkscrollbar with two gtkbuttons (scroll up and
I cannot figure out a simple way of doing it. any clue ?

Just call gtk_adjustment_set_value() on the scrollbar adjustments.


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