Re: gtk 2.x themes/engines?

On 21 Mar 2002 22:54:33 -0500
Ed Sweetman <ed sweetman wmich edu> wrote:

I think I remember hearing someone say that there were themes and pixmap
engines for gtk 2.x available.  I'm just wondering where? There have
been few to no submissions to in a while (november 1st of
last year).'s website does not have any archive for themes or

So my question is, what happened to a central location or at least a
central list of available gtk themes that are up to date and engines
that are up to date?  Did people just stop writing them? is a central list, and you can also get the themes there, but the
site is very flakey. Often it won't respond.

I've gotten the pixmap themes to work by grabbing the gtk-engines module from
Gnome CVS, and compiling the engine in the "pixbuf" directory (_not_ pixmap,
although the shared library is called pixmap).

I'm using the Mozilla Modern 2 theme with gtk2 now, although I've had to modify
it's RC file a little. The rc file for gtk2 is called '.gtkrc-2.0' instead of

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