Re: How to get the number of rows in a GtkClist

How can I find how many rows are there in a GtkCList?

Tuning in late, but thought I'd add a comment.

The API documentation says:

    struct GtkCList;

      This is the embodiment of the GtkCList widget. This structure
      contains only private data, and should be accessed only via
      the CList API

I've been burned more times in my career by using unpublished
interfaces than I can count.  I wish the GtkCList widget had exposed
elements, but until it does, it's a bad idea to access any internal
elements of this structure.

'Course, that said, I've still done it from time to time.  There
are simply too many holes in the CList API -- you have to cheat
from time to time.  Another example:  Finding the widths of the
columns.  You can set them, but not read them.

        -ed falk

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