Re: GtkTreeView - why so SLOW?

Could this be related to double buffering in GTK+-2.0 ?

The fact that the CPU is taken on the X server machine might be because
the X server has to manage the buffering.

You might try to disable double buffering for GTK+-2.0 and see if things

Just my 2 Euro cents.


On Wed, 2002-06-26 at 13:13, S. Eken wrote:

Hi Olaf,
as I already posted under the subjects "Strange behaviour of
scrollbars in GTK 2.0" and "GTK 2.0 5 times slower than 1.2" in
gtk-devel-list I experienced a dramatic decrease in performace and a
similar increase in CPU usage, BUT (!!!) the CPU time is eaten up by the X
server (which, in my case is on a different (slower) machine as the one
running the application).

It would very interesting to know if your application uses the 60% CPU
time or if it is also the X server. Er, that is if you ARE using a
system with X. 


Sebastian Eken
eken bfw-online de

On 24 Jun 2002, Olaf [iso-8859-2] Fr±czyk wrote:

Hi All,
Inserting rows in TreeView takes much time, and eats a lot of processor
The TreeView is inserted into a scrolled Window. When I use the ruler to
go up to the list and down, the CPU usage is about 50-60 percent on
Duron 1GHz.
I use ListStore, and I'm inserting about 5000 rows and I have 8 columns.

The same thing using CList inserts in a fraction of second (including
fetching data from database - in TreeView I was only inserting some data
not getting them from database).
And moving the list up and down is much smoother and eats about 2-3
percent CPU.

How can I get performance similar to CList? I use gtk 2.0.5.


Olaf Fraczyk

gtk-list mailing list
gtk-list gnome org

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Olivier               <fourdan xfce org>  
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