
Im doing an application of neural networks, and when i push
one button of the toolbar i disabled all toolbar with
When i destroy the actual window i
putgtk_widget_set_sensitive(main_window,TRUE) and work well
but not always.
Sometimes when i destroy one window the appearence of the
toolbar is like was disabled but i can push button and work,
the problem is that the toolbar dont change to "enabled"
anymore and if i move the window the text of the toolbar
buttons dissapear and only appear when i push over some
button, but the appearence is like was disabled.
I have a drawing area where i draw the error graphic, i dont
know if this can be the reason although i did semaphores for
avoid draw while i destroy one window and enable the
toolbar, but i have the same problem.
when I disabled and enabled only the toolbar and not the
main window but i have the same problem.
This problem dont appear always only sometimes but i dont
found the reason because i see that the direction that i
used in gtk_widget_set_sensitive(...) in the widget  param
is correct.
I can see too that when appear this error i can push other
button and appear one new window, this is correct but if the
new window have radio button for example i cant push this
button but i can push the normal button and write text in
the entryes.
Anyone can tell me what i do bad?
Is maybe a problem of gtk????
Thanks to all.
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