howto gtkdrawingarea

Some how I do not understand how to 
use a gtkdrawingarea widget and somehow 
i didn't find help anywhere else, i tried to understand
the sourcecode of "dia" but that is to hard to understand.

Does anyone know a most simple example 
something like the "scribble-expample" in  "Java in a Nutshell"

I do not really know what the problem is, but

GtkDrawingArea *area =gtk_new_drawing_area();
g_assert(area->window != NULL);

fails, and then if it would do, the Signals have
to be connected, but i don't know the meaning of 
some of those signals. which of the signals 
are really needed, which do not have to be connected?

It's time to fill the Tutorial-page at
Andreas Moeller // tel: +49 162 803 17 59 
e-mail: Andreas Moeller web de

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