Re: Text Field layout

On Tue, 2002-06-18 at 08:53, Rod B. Nussbaumer wrote:
"William L. Thomson Jr." wrote:

I am trying to make a form look pretty. :)

Or should I just stick with the vbox, and hbox, and do my best with

I have gotten close to what I am looking for, but not exactly.

Any suggestions or recommendations?

Get glade.  It is a GUI layout builder for GTK+.  Using it, you can
interactively try out the various widgets, and more importantly for
you, the container widgets.  The tool will let you experiment with
the various containers, and their attribute parameters.  As a bonus,
it will generate the C code for your application, requiring you to
flesh out the functionality by writing the callbacks for your widgets.

I have glade, but I have never been big on qui builders. Only because at
times it has made tracking down errors and bugs allot harder. Not to
mention they rarely use the same code format style that I prefer, so I
end up doing allot of bs tweaking of code.

With that said, I am not opposed to using glade to see the differences
between vbox, hbox, and tables.  For experimentation purposes glade will
most likely be better and faster than hand typed code. Since when I am
done experimenting I will most likely toss the experiment code.

Thanks to all for replying.


 Rod Nussbaumer, Programmer/Technologist    E-mail: bomr triumf ca  
 TRIUMF --- University of British Columbia,  Phone: (604)222-7449
 Vancouver, BC, Canada.                        FAX: (604)222-7307
~~~~~~~~~~ So, what's all this about "White Toque Eh?" ~~~~~~~~~~~

William L. Thomson Jr.
Support Group
Obsidian-Studios Inc.
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