C_List Question

Hi everyone
I have been working on an application that displays messages within a clist. My messages come in at very high speeds and are displayed within my clist. The problem is that basically the screen freezes up and stops and basically looks like it isn't responding. I know it's not a resource problem i.e. I am flogging the CPU but that is what it looks like. SO is there a max number of rows you can whack in a clist or is it the wrong widget type to use for displaying spooling messages?
Any help would be nice and if I have been a bit vague let me know and I will embellish s'more. 
Ian Frawley
Software Development (INAP / CPS)
Opal Telecom
Tel: 0161 2222122
Mobile: 07866 437132
e-mail: ifrawley opaltelecom co uk
web: www.opaltelecom.co.uk

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