GtkTreeView clearing


Hopefully someone can help me with my problem that I am getting when
porting an application from GNOME1 to GNOME2. I have a 2 pane
application where a tree view is used to navigate through a table of
contents. When a 'node' in the tree is selected, the right had view
should show a view of the contents in a list, the contents of the list
changing with each node. It should work just like a file-manager. (its a
portable mp3 upload program if this helps the mental picture!).

My problem is with clearing and reseting the contents of the list when
the view changes. Should I clear the list, delete the list, use a new
model or what? I have looked in the gtk-demo application and that
doesn't help me

Hopefully this request makes sense, and someone will be able to point me
in the right direction.


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