Re: pixmap and png..background

Thankx a lot for all you people :-)
My images are TRANSPARENT now....
what i did was

        1. i chose RGB [image->mode->RGB]
        2. i also added alpha channel[image->alpha->add alpha channel]
        3. i did color to alpha[filters->color->color to

  keep up the good work
thankx a lot again for all suggestions and help

On 27 Jul 2002, Michael Torrie wrote:

On Sat, 2002-07-27 at 07:30, Michael Rothwell wrote:
On Sat, 2002-07-27 at 07:57, AKILA M wrote:

   please let me know whats to be done exactly.

You have to erase the white background. Select it using the magic wand
tool, and clear it, so that you see the checkerboard in the background.

What I did was:

1.  Right-click->Layers->Add Alpha Channel
2.  Right-click->Image->Mode->RGB  (not always necessary)
3.  Use magic wand (intelligent scissors) and select the white
background parts.
4.  Used the Cut operation.

At first, before I changed the mode to RGB, the intelligent scissor tool
would select the whole image.  After switching to RGB, it started
working properly again, selecting contiguous regions of similar color.

To create a new transparent png, just select the "transparent" option
for background in the file->new dialog box.



Michael Rothwell
e: rothwell at

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