Re: using themes for my app?!

On Tue, 23 Jul 2002 13:18:02 +0200 (MEST)
RevX gmx at wrote:

Is that pixmap-engine specific to imlib (which I obviously haven't
No. For GTK+ 2 it depends on GdkPixBuf.

Imlib is called to be substituted by GdkPixbuf (sooner or later). Does
GdkPixbuf 'include'
the pixmap-engine? And if imlib dies, who'll be able to read those theme
files then? And how?
I've gotten the pixmap themes to work by grabbing the gtk-engines module from
Gnome CVS, and compiling the engine in the "pixbuf" directory (_not_ pixmap,
although the shared library is called pixmap).

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