Re: Commercial GTK+ development tool

"Carl Best" <cbest alpha ipswitch com> writes:

I have been musing about the possibility of a commercially developed
and marketed Rapid Application Development Environment (i.e. Delphi)
using GTK+ (and possibly support for GNOME widgets) as the base
widget set. This may not be the forum to ask the following
questions, but here goes anyway (I AM SURE FLAMES ARE SOON TO FOLLOW
This is a reasonable place to ask the question. Since the question
is "about GTK+" rather than "how to do X in GTK+", it might be
a little better to ask it on gtk-list.
1) Does the LGPL license that GTK+ is distributed under prohibit the
creation of a closed source object oriented wrapper library (say in
C++ or a hand crafted object oriented scripting language) This
library would be used by a RAD IDE to provide a method to rapidly
create applications for Linux/Unix and be supported and maintained.
This is entirely fine; no problems.

In a nutshell, what the LGPL says is:

 - If you modify GTK+, you must provide the code to your 

 - If you link to GTK+, the user must be able to relink
   to a different version of GTK+. Or your application
   is considered a modification of GTK+.

There is no significant difference between a wrapper library or
language binding that uses GTK+ and an application that uses


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