Re: simple scrollbar for a clist

Tim Hilden wrote:

Manuel Clos wrote:

 >You need to pack your clist inside an scrollabe window.


but the GtkReference says: GtkScrolledWindow -- Adds scrollbars to its child widget. so if I not only add a list to my window, but a close button, too, than will it have a scrollbar, too? Or if I have a text_entry, which I don't want to have scrollbar, what to do then? and I can't specify the type of my window anymore (TOPLEVEL, DIALOG< POPUP).

Create a window, pack a vbox in, pack everything you want in it.

in the place where you were packing the clist, now pack the scrolled window, and pack the clist inside the scrolled window.

The scrolled window isn't to replace the toplevel window, is just an invisible widget that adds scroll bars if necessary.
Manuel Clos
llanero jazzfree com

* Si no puedes hacerlo bien, hazlo bonito (Bill Gates)
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