Re: gdk_pixbuf_composite and gdk_pixbuf_render_to_drawable performance

On Tue, 2002-01-08 at 07:58, Michael Rothwell wrote:
On Tue, 2002-01-08 at 01:19, Havoc Pennington wrote:
Owen was just optimizing it for GTK 2, try CVS GTK HEAD maybe.

I look forward to GTK2 for a number of reasons. :)

If you do a render on every motion event [...] 100% CPU

Yeah, I now update no more than 30fps, no matter how often it gets
requested, and _render_to_ only the 'changed' area, and it seems to be a
little better.

Still, how do video-playback programs achieve such low CPU usage (lower
than this little program) when displaying 24-30 fps 16:9 video? And
quake when doing 80fps? Is it an XVideo thing? If so... how could I use
that with pixbufs? :)


Perhaps because they use a lower resolution?
None of the DivX movies I have ever seen are bigger than 640x480.
I don't know about Quake's resolution though.

But if anybody knows how to achieve fast animation, please tell.

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