forcing windows/dialogs focus until,actioned

I'm currently using gtk+ on a linux TOUCHSCREEN epos application.
I've found my way around most problems, but the idiosyncrasies of a non mouse 
and non keyboard environment pose other complications. In trying to 
circumnavigate problems there appears to be differing behaviour depending on 
linux type and release version. Anyway I'll pose the first problems and take 
it from there:-

I'm using fvwm2 becuase it seemed to offer the leanest, least interfering and 
most appropriate bed. I have tried the others, but without spending 
unavailable time I've found nothing more suitable to this kind of project.

1. In general, is there a way of forcing a dialog or popup to remain visible 
until responded to?
I've found that if a generic prompt/question is called, it is not really 
feasible to say which window will be underneath it and that touching same 
window, particularly the perimeter will cause that window to blot out the 
prompt which, as it happens, may be a necessary in-line function. The prompt 
is modal and thus, as far as the user is cocerned the app is frozen.
I tried using popup rather than toplevel, which looks and performs more 
appropriately, but, the popup seems transparent to desktop menu clicks and, 
worse, on some macihine/OS configurations is completely inactive.

2. Is it possible to lose the mouse cursor, it just gets in the way !

That'll do for now., hope it's not too convoluted.

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