Re: clist EXTENDED selection & keyboard

On 2002.02.24 03:41 toDSaH wrote:

This works, but only for 1 selected file. If I create a selection of
multiple files with the keyboard (using shift + arrow) and I call the
panel_showselected() function, cur oddly enough is NULL. After the call
to panel_showselected() the arrow keys also stop working. When I use the
mouse to click somewhere in the list (for the first time), the arrow
keys work again, and after this, selections made with shift+arrows DO
work (as in, cur is a pointer to the GList of selected files) and keep

Could somebody explain to me what I'm doing wrong or what I forgot? It
would seem this is a focus problem, but if that's the case, how come I
can use the arrow keys to move around the list?

You should watch for the "select_row" signal, each time that
occures you should check the selection. Iterate the selection
with the following code:

/* Iterate through all selected rows. */
int row;
GList *glist = clist->selection;

 row = (gint)glist->data;       /* Get selected row index. */

 /* Do something with the row here. */

 glist = glist->next;

/* Get just the last selected row. */
int row;
GList *glist = clist->selection_end;

row = (gint)glist->data;        /* Get last selected row index. */

/* Do something with the row here. */

Keep in mind that this works only for the GtkCList, if you
are using the GtkCTree casted to a GtkCList then things
work differently (let us know if you plan to use the GtkCTree).

Btw, there's a file manager with extended key handling for
the GtkCList.  See

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
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