Re: GTK2 API: GtkFontSelecionDialog buttons

Boris_Shingarov OTI COM writes:

I'm trying to use the GtkFontSelectionDialog API in GTK2.
To act on "OK" or "Apply", one would presumably do something like:

gtk_signal_connect (fsd->ok_button, "clicked", ok_func, fsd);

where fsd is the pointer to the font dialog.
However, the API reference says, GtkFontSelectionDialog is an opaque 
struct and client code should never access the members.

Is this a bug in the doc, or am I missing something?  What is the 
"officially recommended" way to act on those buttons?

I believe the docs are wrong and you do need to use those struct

However it's wrong that you have to use them, as well. 

So there are two things that should be in bugzilla: a) the docs are
wrong for 2.0 and b) the API should be fixed for 2.2.


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