Re: Transparency, again...

I believe what you're looking at is:
with this you'll get transperency ... but not alpha channeling
(or at least I haven't found the time to try)

Good luck!

Thomas Cameron wrote:

Okay, I followed that link, and that is what I'm talking about.  But,
like you or not you can apply it to a top-level window or
not has yet to be seen.  Anyway, I had another idea.  I was rifling
through the GDK API, and I was looking at the background stuff.  It was
saying something about using a bitmap/pixmap combination to create
transparency.  It mentioned that if a window had it's bg set to be
transparent, then whatever was already in that area of the screen would
remain displayed.  It also made mention of using xpm's, and other files
as a background.  I'll look into this more, and hopefully even produce a
sample application to see if this will give me the desired effect.

If I am able to reach my goal, I will submit my findings to the list.
For my particular application, I will most likely write a function to
make setting transparency easier for end-programmers...which I may also
release to the group.  Thanks again for your help!

Thomas Cameron

-----Original Message-----
From: Shahms E. King [mailto:shahms shahms com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 10:20 PM
To: gtk-app-devel-list gnome org
Subject: RE: Transparency, again...

That's a patch by Owen Taylor that does exactly that to get
transparency.  It's here:

I doubt if it will even apply to the current Gtk+, but you can have a
look at it anyway.  You can get transparency of widgets and such
depending on the theme/engine, but it doesn't apply to top-level
windows, at least not that I've found.


On Wed, 2002-08-28 at 19:06, Thomas Cameron wrote:
Hello again,

So then, how is it that when I see some screenshots of GTK apps, their
pop-up menus are partially transparent?  Does anybody know about that?

Tom Cameron

-----Original Message-----
From: Shahms E. King [mailto:shahms shahms com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 9:29 PM
To: gtk-app-devel-list gnome org
Subject: Re: Transparency, again...

At the moment, you don't, unless you want to muck around with gdkx_*
gdk_x11_* and XRender/XFT yourself.


On Wed, 2002-08-28 at 17:10, Thomas Cameron wrote:
Hello all,

I would like to post this question again.  How would I go about
setting a window to be partially transparent?  In other words, I
like to have my main window partially viewable through a "popup"
window.  Any real way to do this?  I know that GDK has some pixbuf
stuff, which also allows for an alpha "channel".  How would I go
setting the background of the popup to be transparent?  Any help
be greatly appreciated!

Tom Cameron
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