Re: optimizing drawing to drawing_area

On 2002.04.09 01:53 Rok Roskar wrote:
Thanks for your reply... I was just wondering what the difference between

building a pixmap and building an RGB buffer internally is... because the

way I do it now, I build the pixmap and then display it all at once on
drawing area. Thanks,

Having done this several times, I recommend (for maximum
efficiency and senseability), use GDK RGB buffers. Make
your own buffer and `put' it to the GdkWindow displaying
the graphics.

*THEN* use that inverse gc to draw the rectangle as I described
earlier on the already drawn GdkWindow (no GdkPixmaps involved).

However if the original graphics is not manipulated constantly,
then using a GdkPixmap instead of GDK RGB buffers may be
a tad bit more simplistic.

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
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