Re: GTK+ 1.2.x on Win32?

On Sat, 2002-04-06 at 22:07, Taura Milana wrote:
On 2002.04.06 04:10 Martyn Russell wrote:

and download the libs (this has the compiled libs) and dev libs (this
contains the header files) from here:


I have a question there, in VC, there are .dll and .lib files,
the .lib files are like .a files under Linux and .dll files are
like .so files under Linux. When I compile (afterwards) my app,
do I still need the .dll's?  Meaning do every user need to have
the GTK .dll's installed to run my app?

Yes, you need the DLLs and obviously not the LIBs, which are used when
compiling/linking the application.

I then (with my software) have a batch file which i run that loads the
environment with the locations of the DLLS/paths and things that  are
needed to be set up when linking and setting the cflags un VC.

Can you show me a sample of that batch file?

I can but not until Monday, where my project files are, ill send then.

I mainly had problems using anything to do with gnome when porting my
apps.  If you stick to raw GTK in your code you should be ok.  I did
mine with glade to, which means you will need those extra libraries
(libxml and libglade), I found libglade in ONE place and it is rarely
available for download.

I'm primarely trying to port Vertex
( and that uses just GTK
and the GtkGLArea widget (and an implmentation of

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
-Capt. Taura M.             ,   O=__                    --X--
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OMNOUMmnne.                  {OMMNNNEEEEOO=_
UOOOBIOOOEOMMn.               'LONMMMMNNEEEOOO=.__..,,..
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