Re: GTK&MySql step by step

On Thu, 2001-09-27 at 17:57, youssa voila fr wrote:
Hello every one,
Please can some one help me to have a connecxtion to a MySql data base and show me how to select some items 
to put the in a DbGrid in my GTK window.
Please, I 'm newbie so help me step by step, what I must to do
Thank you very much

you can use gnome-db (, which will be similar

GdaConnection *cnc;
GdaRecordset *recset;
GtkWidget *dbgrid;

recset = gda_connection_execute (cnc, "SELECT * FROM table");
dbgrid = gnome_db_grid_new (recset);

Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org> - <rodrigo ximian com> -

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