Re: Menu Item Factory

Subject: Menu Item Factory
From: Filip Hroch <hroch physics muni cz>


I have some problems with using of menus created by the Gtk Item Factory.

There is a small part of my developing code:

    { "/_Settings/_Binning", "<control>B", NULL, 0, "<Branch>" },
    { "/_Settings/_Binning/_3x3", "<control>3", set_bin, 3, "<RadioItem>" },
    { "/_Settings/_Binning/_2x2", "<control>2", set_bin, 2, "/Settings/Binning/3x3" },
    { "/_Settings/_Binning/_1x1", "<control>1", set_bin, 1, "/Settings/Binning/3x3" },
    { "/_Settings/", NULL, NULL, 0, "<Separator>"},
    { "/_Settings/Enable _Legend", "<control>L", set_legend, 0, "<ToggleItem>" },
    { "/_Settings/_Reuse Darks", "<control>R", set_darks, 0, "<ToggleItem>" },

The meaning of these items is not important. I don't know:

1) how initialize radio item group to (for example) 2x2 item. The toggled
   item by this way is 3x3 but I can't initialize some arbitrary item.

2) how set on the "Enable Legend" toggle button during init phase. I was
   tried the gtk_item_factory_get_widget/item function to get a toggle button
   from a item factory but without any success.

3) why, the choosing of argument 1x1 make 3x calls of set_bin with arguments
   3,2,1? The set_bin is a void function, is it correct?

Is it possible use the item factory by this way? I can rewrite code
to use no item factory, but I prefers use of its because the code
is significantly simpler.

Thank for any suggestions


Also Filip encountered problems with the evergreen GtkItemFactory:

re 2 (maybe also applies to 1):

right after gtk_init:
            <name of gtkItemFactory variable>, "<main>/_Settings/Enable

re 1) the first radio widget is active by default, try above method for
any other one

re 3) of course, the callback func gets called for each widget of a
radio widget group,
may it be active or inactive, the argument values 1,2,3 are prooving
that. Your set_bin-func
can respond to all formerly active and inactive widgets. In set_bin do:

    if(gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(1st param)))
    { ... your code } for new active ones, for new inactive ones


ralf heeg
Lab for Mixed Realities
Cologne, Germany

heeg lmr khm de

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