Re: Multiple Windows.

On Mon, 2001-09-10 at 12:13, Christopher Jackson wrote:
   Hello. I am developing a rather complex program that requires 
multiple windows called from the main application. I have combed the 
documentation for a clue but could not find anything that addressed 
more than one window. For example the main app opens then the user 
needs to add information to a database so another window is summoned to 
take all relevant information. Can someone drop me a hint of the best 
way to approach this. Thank you. :)

To show a new window you simply show() it. If you destoy it afterwards
you need to create it again if you pop it up more than once. If you want
to block your program flow while another window is being processed you
use nested event loops. I posted an example of this not too long ago in
a mail with subject "Waiting for a Signal". You can take a look at that.


I never realized it before, but having looked that over I'm certain
I'd rather have my eyes burned out by zombies with flaming dung sticks
than work on a conscientious Unicode regex engine.
                                   --- Tim Peters, 3 Dec 1998

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