Re: adout copying a pixmap to drawable area?

Am Die, 2001-10-23 um 05.54 schrieb 1003809286:
    first,I declare GtkWidget *window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
    second,I declare GtkWidget *area = gtk_drawing_area_new(),then call the function    gtk_container_add 
(GTK_CONTAINER (window), area);
    because it has sometime to draw something on the area,i want to draw them on a pixmap(GtkPixmap),and 
then copy the pixmap to the area.But what i want to draw haven't been shown.These objects,such as 
gc,piaxmap,etc.have been created.
    is there something wrong?what should i do?
    please reply.

maybe you draw your pixmap at the wrong time. all things your are
drawing before the drawing area is maped will not get visible.

in most cases you are using drawingareas it is the best thing, to
connect your drawing function to the expose event of the drawing area.

have a nice day

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