Re: Creating of help

On 07 Oct 2001 19:34:42 +0200, Michal ROMAN said:

On Pi, 2001-10-05 at 18:01, Martin Craig wrote:
 > If you're using Gnome, there's a function for displaying HTML help in
 > the gnome help browser.

I don't think you need to use Gnome directly (as that puts an
additional dependency that might irritate users).

Since your app is not gnome in nature why not just call the
gnome-help-browser using exec()? This is the way I do it.

 I've found some .sgml and .html files in /usr/share/gnome/help/SomeProgram/C/ directory. What files I have 
to write - html or sqml? 
 Can I generate html from sgml files? If yes, are there any programs to help writting sgml files? Or I have 
to write only html files?

I think html file is  sufficient atleast for a start, any text
editor can write an html file.

If you want an editor specific for html. try ummmm Bluefish HTML
It's written in GTK btw.

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