reflection info in gtk?


I have been working on a program that will help wrap GTK in another language by autogenerating a bunch of code. My first attempt has followed in the footsteps of some other projects (like pygtk) and is using regular expressions to scan the headers.

But then I got to wondering... am I doing things the hard way? GObject has some functions to get it's properties at runtime. Maybe I could use this 'reflection' to get my information in a more reliable way from the GTK runtime... does GTK offer this ability? Looking at the GObject docs, it looks like I can get tons of info on 'properties' but none on the 'methods' of an object. Is this true? Any advice?

If something like obj->list_methods() and obj->list_signals() isn't possible, are there plans to offer this level of reflective info about an object's interface, or is that only going to happen in the 'higher' levels like Bonobo/Corba components, which I know nothing about.



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