Parameter passing and gpointers...

Ok, some of you may recall that a few months ago I sent a question talking
about sending multiple params to a signal handler.  One suggestion was
thru using a struct and passing a reference to that struct.  This is
giving me some problems and I'm not sure why.  I only have so much
experience in C so that may be what's wrong.  Here's an example of what
I'm trying to do:

struct MyStruct {
        GtkWidget *entry1;
        GtkWidget *entry2;

void create_dialog( void ) {
        struct MyStruct *my_struct;
        my_struct->entry1 = gtk_entry_new();
        my_struct->entry2 = gtk_entry_new();
                GTK_OBJECT(some_button), "clicked",
                (gpointer) my_struct

void my_callback( GtkWidget *w, gpointer data ) {
        struct MyStruct *local_struct = (struct MyStruct *) data;
        char* some_text = gtk_entry_get_text(

I'm getting all sorts of compile errors trying the above.  I've also tried
to use different pointer syntax but to no avail.  What am I doing wrong?
What do you usually do in this situation?  Are malloc and free necessary
for what I'm doing?


Chris Elston
celston corky sapien net
Nucleus Communications
Web Script Programmer

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