Re: insert asm code

On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 12:40:40PM +0200, J. Eusebio Roza Pando wrote:
does anyone know how can i insert the below asm code in my C program?
    mov    dx, port
    outp    al,dx
where "port" is a memory address and "al" is a data.
I use gcc for windows.Thanks a lot!!

Off topic for this list, but here are some references abount inline
assembly with gcc:

And of course all the information is also in the gcc info files.

Note: using inline assembly makes your program unportable to other


J.A.K. (Erik) Mouw, Information and Communication Theory Group, Department
of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology and Systems,
Delft University of Technology, PO BOX 5031,  2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
Phone: +31-15-2783635  Fax: +31-15-2781843  Email: J A K Mouw its tudelft nl

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