Re: Timers

Hi Krishnan

I have already bought a copy of Havoc Pennington's GTK+ / Gnome Application
Development, which is good but I need a book that's a little bit softer
going as I am starting from scratch with more code examples and stuff. I
have GTK+ installed and the web based GTK+ Reference manual, which has been
really useful. I suppose I shouldn't get to bogged down with all the
different acronyms that fly about.

I have developed a front end for my app that makes use of message boxes and
dialog boxes so I am getting the hang of it now.

Have you any ideas for my first question?

I am trying to develop an application on Linux. This application has a GUI
which I have implemented using GTK written in C++. >The problem is that I
have to periodically poll another application so a timer widget or something
would be great but I don't think >timers exist. Hopefully I am wrong and
someone could point me in the right direction.

Thanks allot

----- Original Message -----
From: "S. Krishnan" <sri_krishnan yahoo com>
To: <gtk-app-devel-list gnome org>
Cc: "Ian Frawley" <ifrawley opaltelecom co uk>
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: Timers


Good tutorial books are

1. Havoc Pennington's GTK+ / Gnome Application
Development (New Riders) - you will find an online
copy at

2. Eric Harlow's Developing Linux Applications with
GTK and Glib (also New Riders Publishing).

From what I've heard, you wouldn't want to do direct X
programming without a wrapper library like GTK or
Motif, unless you are a masochist :-).  The final
reference for bare X are the manuals (you'll find them
on the O'Reilly website).  Nabajyoti Barkakati has
also published a fairly readable book on X
programming, in which he first covers the principles
of base X programming (ouch!), and then moves on to
Motif.  The name of the book escapes me, but IIRC, it
is a Prentice Hall publication.  Anyway, the copy I
used (a couple of years back) in India was a Prentice
Hall India version.

I'd suggest that you stick to GTK+ however; after a
few years of Win SDK based GUI programming, GTK has
come as a breath of fresh air for me!

Other refernces for GTK are the website (see the FAQ
and the tutorial).  Maybe you'll want to check out
Glade as a RAD tool (

I have used wget to download the relevant GTK
documentation off the website onto my hard disk, so it
is has become a permanent offline reference for me.  I
suggest that you do the same.

Mail me if you need any further info.

Hope this helps.



--- Ian Frawley <ifrawley opaltelecom co uk> wrote:
PS. could anyone recommend a good book on the
programming of X cos I am really new to this and I
am a bit confused with GTK+ GTK--, GDK, GIMP etc.
etc. I am not sure what I should actually be using.



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