Positioning of new top level windows


I've written a small GTK app for a network login
client. The program starts up with an initial toplevel
window, which is then destroyed and replaced by other
windows depending on user choices made by clicking on
"Login", "Cancel", etc. buttons.

I've used the gtk libraries directly.

My problem is that the window positions do not remain
constant.  Sometimes when I start the app, the startup
window appears in the top right corner, and the next
window (created when the first window is destroyed)
appears at the bottom left, as do the following
windows.  At other times, however, all the windows
appear properly in the center of the screen.  At
present, I'm invoking the app from a rxvt terminal

I'm running Gnome with the Enlightenment window
manager under default RedHat 6.1 with kernel 2.12.20.

Can anyone suggest how I can ensure that the windows
stay centered on the screen?

TIA and regards,

S. Krishnan

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