Problems whit AccelGroup


    I make an AccelGroup using glade, and everything is ok, but when the

program arrives to the delete of the Gtk::AccelGroup the program makes a

segmentation fault(core dump). The Gtk::AccelGroup is initialized using:


    If I don't make the delete,  what happens with the memory?

    Another problem: when I am going to close the program, I show a
yes/no dialog, but when I press yes and the program finish the dialog is

showed again, why does this thing ocurr? The function is:

void CMainWindow::on_salir1_activate()
    CDialogSalir *dial_salir = new CDialogSalir();

    if (dial_salir->run())
        delete dial_salir;
        delete dial_salir;


    PD: Thanks with the problem of the floating point numbers reading.
But I need that Gnome doesn't make this, how could I change this? I am
using code from another person that works in the same project and I
don't want to change her code.

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