Re: How to resize a widget?

<learfox furry ao net> writes:

   I have a child widget that I need to change its size with in the middle
of run time.

   The first call to gtk_widget_set_usize() works when I have the
widget shown (gtk_widget_show()).

But at some random point while my app is running, I call
gtk_widget_set_usize() again to change its size.  But it has no affect
untill I manually adjust it's toplevel GtkWindow with the pointer.

Is there a way to force a widget to take on a new size (this is a
GtkGLArea widget)?

Calling gtk_widget_queue_resize() on the toplevel window may do what
you want.

(What you are running into, I think, is that GTK+ has a concept of
'hysteresis' - generally, a widget will be reallocated a new size only
if it needs MORE size than it currently has, not less; so if the
size of widget is changing, it may not be the same size as if
the layout was done from scratch. I have some hope of getting rid
of this in the future, but haven't really gone through and figured
out what that would take.)


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