Re: GTK+ app using the GNOME help browser?

Hi Havoc;

At 09:39 07-05-01 -0400, you wrote:
Is there a way to add help menu item 
callbacks for a GTK+ app (pure GTK+)
to use a help system like the GNOME help browser?

How about:
- open the file gnome-libs/libgnome/gnome-help.c
- copy the stuff in there

Your participation and help is much appreciated by the 
members of this list. But you ~must~ start thinking more
like an application developer, instead of a technical 
guru and acrobat user. 

In real world, applications are written for users which 
have neither the time, nor the technical capacity of 
manipulating the operating system or its components. 
If a particular functionality is worth having, the application 
developer must provide it, without forcing the user to 
intervene in the environment beyond the application 

There is a wider context to this: the success of Linux
hinges on its ability to be usefull in the hands of
a different (not better, not worse, just different)
and entirely new class of users.

Thanks again for your time and efforts.
cheers, TK

Anthony K. Transportation Systems - no HTML mail please. 

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