Re: Drag-n-drop for dummies

      I started reading about drag-n-drop... oh my. This is just too much
      for my little brain. I just want a simple thing: I have a text
      area, and I want the user to be able to drop just any text file
      into that widget. As simple as that. Where should I start? Does
      anybody have a code snippet I could use? Or is there some
      "Drag-n-drop for dummies" document somewhere available? Just give
      me a hook, I will handle it. The gtk documentation, however, I do
      not understand.

      Next, an even more naive question. I do not use GNOME. I do not use
      KDE. I use icewm. How can I try out whether my d-n-d works? :-)

The only one I have is written at

Basically DND is right above cut and paste (GTK+ calls this `selections').

When you learn about `selections' first, then go on to DND then DND
becomes much more understandable.

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
-Capt. Taura M.             ,   O=__                    --X--
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