Strange behaviour / Possible Bug with GC Function


I am running with gtk+ 1.2.8 on a Solaris platform.

I have the requirement to draw to a window various shapes, and when
overlapping to show the overlaps.

I have a pixmap which I draw to a window.

I have located the GDK_FUNCTION associated with the graphics context,
i.e. GDK_COPY , GDK_AND GDK_OR etc etc .

The GDK_OR gives me the ability to see overlapping shapes, but I seem
to get some strange behaviour. For example when I draw a green rectangle
it always paints as BLUE ?? (When I remove the call seting GDK_OR, Green
appears agains, but I look the overlapping).

The core code looks like:

  /*Define some variables */ 
  GdkGC     * thisGraphicsContext;
  GdkRectangle update_rect;
  /* get the area to paint from a widget */
  GtkWidget       *  widget = (GtkWidget *) user_data;
  update_rect.x      = MainWindowVariables.xmin;
  update_rect.y      = MainWindowVariables.ymin;
  update_rect.width  = MainWindowVariables.xmax;
  update_rect.height = MainWindowVariables.ymax;
  /*Set the GC foregrounf colour */
  gdk_gc_set_foreground( thisGraphicsContext, &guiColourGreen);
  /* Set the GDK_FUNCTION of the GC */
  gdk_gc_set_function     (thisGraphicsContext, GDK_OR );
  gdk_draw_rectangle (pixmap,
                      update_rect.x, update_rect.y,
                      update_rect.width, update_rect.height);
  gtk_widget_draw (widget, &update_rect);

 Firstly can anyone see anything incorrect about the above ?
 If not, what is the best way to enter a bug report. I can supply
 a simply testcase showing the behaviour.
 I look forward to your  thoughts..
 Best regards
 Colin Thomas

| Colin Thomas. 
| Email   : colin designresources co uk     

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