Re: changing hidden window position

Works, but only if I first call gtk_widget_show(win), and that's what I'm
trying to avoid...  So, is there any way to set a widget's position
*before* showing it? (so that when I call gtk_widget_show to be sure that
it appears directly where I want).


On 27 Jun 2001 13:48:02 -0400
Havoc Pennington <hp redhat com> wrote:

Mihai Bazon <mishoo infoiasi ro> writes:

I'm using gdk_window_move to set a window's position.  My problem
is that the window must be visible before doing that.

For instance (erroneous code):

  GtkWidget *win = gtk_window_new(..);
  gdk_window_move(win->window, x, y);

But it works like this:

  GtkWidget *win = gtk_window_new(..);
  gtk_widget_show(win); /* show the window first */
  gdk_window_move(win->window, x, y);

This results in unpleasant flicker.  How to solve this?

Use gtk_widget_set_uposition() to set the position.


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