SOLVED: Re: GtkLabel inside an eventbox

On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 11:16:52AM -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:

I've decided to try to write some silly programs with Gtk+, and I
want to make `xclock -d' clone. I'm putting GtkLabel inside an
eventbox to catch moushe clicks so that window will be closed after
clicks [at first, it was button not label-in-the-box :-) ]. This
works fine, however, I can't understand why Window is bigger than
actual text is, or, rather, taller [width are same, and button seen
to behave similarly]. What can be done with it ??
If it isn't that size for you, send along a small test case showing
the problem.
Hehe.. silly me :-). That was not the problem :-).

The problem was that I've used
        time_t now=time(NULL);

but, ctime return nicely formated string, and this string already
contains '\n', so my label was twice large as required.

However, thanks all who replied..


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