Hello Phillip,

I'm new at this too.  I eventually figured this out.

sel is a GList linked list of the selections made in the Clist. I haven't used a clist as of yet, but I've 
done it with a standard GtkList.  The data in the linked list is the actual references to the GtkListItem 
widgets that are stored in the clist.  I prefered to write it this way.

GList *selList = NULL; /* its not just a selection but a list of selections */
GtkWidget *list = NULL;
GtkListItem *sel = NULL;

list = lookup_widget( GTK_WIDGET(ref), "name_of_clist" );
selList = GTK_LIST(list)->selection;

if (selList == NULL) return; /*no selection made*/

now if you've enabled multiple selection mode in the clist, the selList will have multiple list items 
attached to it.  For the sake of an example, this list is single selection only.  Since a selection has been 
made there is only one list item.  GList delcaration and structure is in the glib api documentation.

sel = selList->data;

sel is now the selected GtkListItem widget

do what you want with the item


/* delete the list item from the clist */
gtk_container_remove( GTK_CONTAINER(list), GTK_WIDGET(sel) );
gtk_widget_show_all( GTK_WIDGET(list) );

/* done */

I'm not sure if that's the correct way to remove the list item but it worked for me, everything else I tried 
resulted in a segfault.  The GList selection list is an internal list to the Gtk[C]List widget.  When I would 
free it I had problems so I don't think your supposed to :P

Hope that helps,


On Sun, Jul 08, 2001 at 05:02:40PM -0400, Phillip wrote:


im tryin to learn how to program GUI in general and i throught myself 
into the gtk pool.
i got a clist

list = lookup_widget (GTK_WIDGET (button), "lista_input");

im trying to make able when u select a row, then u could press the 
delete button  to remove that row.

the FAQ says something about

sel = GTK_LIST(list)->selection;

 what is sel?
im using
printf("%d \n", list);
but it doesnt seem to output a right thing...

any advices about this?

thank you.


Phillip Neumann
filzin bigfoot com

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