Re: ManEdit 0.4.0d

On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 04:32:50PM -0800, learfox furry ao net wrote:
Yesyes! Now yer getting there!

Actually the sources are shared for other multiplatform applications,
those applications don't use gtk/gdk/glib and don't have glib available on
some platforms.

It would have a lot less confusing if this were just stated in the
first place. :)

Let me ask you this then, does it mean that Solaris has variable data type
sizes? Does it mean that Solaris may have a 3 bit int while another has a
2.5 bit int?  I doubt Solaris does anything this silly...

No, it certainly doesn't.  I don't know of any system which does.

so it means
Solaris musthave somewhere, a defination for u_int8_t or a similar named
defination that is standard amoung Solarisis (not glib).

Perhaps it does, but my point is: why bother?  Manedit is a GTK
application, therefore it has access to GLIB datatypes.  So use the
GLIB datatypes instead of worrying about what flavor-of-the-day
Solaris has decided to call its 8-byte, unsigned integers.  My
previous typedef example comes up as a likely solution.

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