Re: Focus on Switching Pages

On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 03:02:25PM +0300 Nick Pilon wrote:

I've got a GTK program I'm working on that uses a bunch of notebook pages to
display network connection related stuff. (A MU* client) Each page has a
zvt_term and text entry widget on it. Is there an easy way to focus on the text
entry widget every time the user changes the page?

-Nick Pilon
--Life is code; Everything else is just preprocessing.


void main

  chat_entry = gtk_entry_new();
  notebook = gtk_notebook_new();

  gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (notebook), "switch_page",
                      GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (on_notebook_switch_page),

on_notebook_switch_page               (GtkNotebook     *notebook,
                                       GtkNotebookPage *page,
                                       gint             page_num,
                                       gpointer         user_data)
  GtkWidget* entry = GTK_WIDGET(user_data);

Maybe there is a shorter solution, this is one possible.

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